“Life cycle assessment of repurposed waste electric and electronic equipment in comparison with original equipment” (online)
M.M. Pérez-Martínez, C. Carrillo, J. Rodeiro-Iglesias, B. Soto
Sustainable Production and Consumption, Marzo 2021
“Performance evaluation and modeling of the Atir marine current turbine” (online)
E. Díaz Dorado, C. Carrillo, J. Cidrás, D. Román Costas, Javier Grande
IET Renewable Power Generation, 2021
“A machine learning based stochastic optimization framework for a wind and storage power plant participating in energy pool market” (online)
Jose L. Crespo-Vazquez, C. Carrillo, E. Díaz-Dorado, Jose A. Martinez-Lorenzo, Md Noor-E-Alam
Applied Energy, vol. 232, pp. 341-357, 2018
“Evaluation of a data driven stochastic approach to optimize the participation of a wind and storage power plant in day-ahead and reserve markets” (online)
Jose L. Crespo-Vazquez, C. Carrillo, E. DÍaz-Dorado, Jose A. Martinez-Lorenzo, Md Noor-E-Alam
Energy, vol. 156, pp. 278-291, 2018
“Evaluation of the uncertainty in the scheduling of a wind and storage power plant participating in day-ahead and reserve markets” (online)
Jose L. Crespo-Vazquez, , C. Carrillo, E. Diaz-Dorado
Energy Procedia, vol. 136, pp. 73-78, 2017
“A method to estimate the energy production of photovoltaic trackers under shading conditions ” (online)
Eloy Díaz-Dorado, José Cidrás. Camilo Carrillo
Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 150, pp. 433-450, 2017
“Discretized model for partially shaded PV arrays composed of PV panels with overlapping bypass diodes” (online)
Eloy Díaz-Dorado, José Cidrás. Camilo Carrillo
Solar Energy, vol. 157, pp. 103-115, 2017
“A STATCOM with Supercapacitors for Low-Voltage Ride-Through in Fixed-Speed Wind Turbines” (pdf)(online)
Andrés Felipe Obando-Montaño, Camilo Carrillo, José Cidrás and Eloy Díaz-Dorado
Energies, vol. 7, pp. 5922-5952, 2014
“State estimation for wind farms including the wind turbine generator models” (pdf)(online)
B.N. Miranda-Blanco, E. Díaz-Dorado, C. Carrillo, J. Cidrás
Renewable Energy, vol. 71, pp. 453-465, 2014
“An approach to determine the Weibull parameters for wind energy analysis: the case of Galicia (Spain)” (pdf)(online)
C. Carrillo, J. Cidrás, E. Díaz-Dorado, A. F. Obando-Montaño
Energies, vol. 7, pp. 2676-2700, 2014
“Discrete I-V model for partially shaded PV-arrays” (pdf)(online)
E. Díaz-Dorado, J. Cidrás, C. Carrillo
Solar Energy, vol. 103, pp. 96-107, May 2014
“A methodology for energy analysis of escalators” (pdf)(online)
C. Carrillo, E. Díaz-Dorado, J. Cidrás, M. Silva-Ucha
Energy and Buildings, vol. 61, pp. 21-30, June 2013
“Review of power curve modelling for wind turbines” (pdf)(online)(WTG database xls)
C. Carrillo; Andrés Felipe Obando-Montaño, J. Cidrás, E. Díaz-Dorado
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 21, pp. 572-581, 2013
“Lighting control system based on digital camera for energy saving in shop windows” (pdf)(online)
C. Carrillo, E. Díaz-Dorado, J. Cidrás, A. Bouza-Pregal, P. Falcón, A. Fernández and A. Álvarez-Sánchez
Energy and Buildings, vol. 59, pp. 143-151, Abril 2013
“Coordination of directional overcurrent relay using evolutionary algorithm and linear programming” (pdf)(online)
José A. Sueiro, Eloy Diaz-Dorado, Edelmiro Míguez, José Cidrás
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 42, pp. 299-305, 2012
“Optimal distribution for photovoltaic solar tracker to minimize power losses caused by shadows” (pdf)(online)
Eloy Díaz-Dorado, Andrés Suárez-García, Camilo J. Carrillo and José Cidrás
Renewable Energy, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 1826-1835, 2011
«Comparative study of flywheel systems in an isolated wind plant» (pdf)(online)
C. Carrillo, A. Feijóo y J. Cidrás
Renewable Energy, Volumen: 34, Nº 3, pp: 890-898, marzo de 2009
«Control Algorithm for Coordinated Reactive Power Compensation in a Wind Park” (pdf)(online)
Eloy Díaz Dorado, Camilo José Carrillo González y José Cidrás Pidre
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Volumen: 23, Nº 4, pp: 1064-1072, diciembre de 2008
«A linear approach to study the influence of asynchronous wind parks on isolated networks» (pdf)(online)
C. Carrillo, A.E. Feijoo, J. Cidrás, J.F. Medina
Electric Power System Research, vol. 77, Junio 2007
«Power Fluctuations in an Isolated Wind Plant» (pdf)(online)
C. Carrillo, A.E. Feijoo, J. Cidrás, J. González
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 19, no. 1, pp: 217-221, Marzo-2004
«Optimal Planning of Unbalanced Networks Using Dynamic Programming Optimization» (pdf)(online)
Eloy Díaz Dorado, José Cidrás Pidre
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volumen: 19, Nº 4, pp: 2077-2085, noviembre de 2004
“Low Frecuency Magnetic Fields from Electrical Appliances and Power Lines” (pdf)(online)
C. Garrido, A.F. Otero y J. Cidrás
IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery. Vol. 18, No. 4, pág: 1310-1320; año: 2003
“Theorical model to calculate steady-state and transient ampacity and temperature in buried cables” (pdf)(online)
C. Garrido, A.F. Otero y J. Cidrás
IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery. Vol. 18, No. 3, pág: 677-678; año: 2003
«Planning of Large Rural Low-Voltage Networks Using Evolution Strategies» (pdf)(online)
Eloy Díaz Dorado, José Cidrás Pidre y Edelmiro Míguez García
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volumen: 18, Nº 4, pp: 1594-1600, noviembre de 2003
«Probabilistic Model for Mechanical Power Fluctuations in Asynchronous Wind Parks» (pdf)(online)
J. Cidrás, C. Carrillo,E. Feijoo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 18, no. 2, pp: 761-768, Mayo-2003
«Synchronization of Asynchronous Wind Turbines» (pdf)(online)
J. Cidrás,E. Feijoo , C.Carrillo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 17, no. 4, pp: 1162-1169, Noviembre-2002
«An Improved Branch-Exchange Algorithm for Large-Scale Distribution Network Planning» (pdf)(online)
Edelmiro Míguez García, José Cidrás Pidre, Eloy Díaz Dorado y José Luis García Dornelas
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volumen: 17, Nº 4, pp: 931-936, noviembre de 2002
«Application of Evolutionary Algorithms for the Planning of Urban Distribution Networks of Medium Voltage» (pdf)(online)
Eloy Díaz Dorado, José Cidrás Pidre y Edelmiro Míguez García
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volumen: 17, Nº 3 pp: 879-884, agosto de 2002
“A linear dynamic model for asynchronous wind turbines with mechanical fluctuations” (pdf)(online)
J. Cidrás y A. Feijóo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 17 nº 3 pp. 681-687, 2002
“Grounding Grid Design Using Evolutionary Computation-Based Methods” (pdf)(online)
F. Otero, J. Cidrás y C. Garrido
Electric Power Components and Systems, 30, pp. 151-165, 2002
Closure to discussion of “Modelling of Wind Farms in the Load Flow Analysis”
Andrés E. Feijóo y J. Cidrás
IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol: 16 nº4 pág: 951-952 año: 2001
«Design of Large Rural Low-Voltage Networks Usign Dynamic Programming Optimization» (pdf)(online)
Eloy Díaz Dorado, Edelmiro Míguez García y José Cidrás Pidre
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Volumen: 16, Nº 4 pp: 898-903, noviembre de 2001
«Fluorescent Lamp Modelling for Voltage Fluctuations» (pdf)(online)
C. Carrillo, J. Cidrás
European Transactions on Electrical Power (ETEP), vol. 11, no. 2, pp: 119-127, Marzo-2001
«Regulation of Synchronous Generators by Means of Hydrostatic Transmissions» (and discussion) (pdf)(online)
J. Cidrás, C. Carrillo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 15, pp: 771-778, Mayo 2000
«A Third Order Model for the Induction Machine» (pdf)(online)
A.E. Feijóo, J. Cidrás, C. Carrillo
Electric Power System Research, vol. 56, pp: 121-127, Enero 2000
“Modelling of wind farms in the load flow analysis”
A.E. Feijóo, J. Cidrás
IEEE Trans. on Power System, Vol.15, nº.1, pp.110-115, 2000
“Nodal frequency of Grounding System Calculation considering the soil ionization effect”
J. Cidrás,A.F. Otero yC.Garrido
IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol.15, nº.1, pp. 103-107, 2000
“Wind speed simulation in wind farms for steady-state security assessment of electrical power systems”
A.E. Feijóo, J.Cidrás, J. L.G.Dornelas
IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol.14. No.4, 1999
“Analysis of mechanical power fluctuations in asynchronous WEC’s”
A.E. Feijóo, y J. Cidrás
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.14, pp. 284-291, 1999
“Frecuency-Dependent Grounding System Calculation by Means of a Conventional Nodal Analysis Technique”
C. Garrido, J. Cidrás
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Vol.14 pp. 873-878, 1999
“A Method for predicting time-current characteristics of fuselinks”
C. Garrido, J. Cidrás
Electric Machines &Power Systems, Vol.26, pp. 685-698, 1998
«Aplicación de las Transmisiones Hidrostáticas a la Generación de Energía Eléctrica en Buques» (pdf)(online)(scan)
J. Cidrás, S. García, C. Carrillo
Fluidos O.N.A., vol. 195, pp: 783-794, Diciembre 1993
“Algorithms for exploiting the Matrix and Vector Sparsity in Electrical Power Systems Analysis”
J. Cidrás, A. Ollero
Information & Decision Technologies. Vol.15, pp. 121-131, 1989
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